PNW Lighting & Traffic Solutions offers Commercial LED Outdoor Lighting in Western Washington State. The outdoor pole lights offer an opportunity to really elevate the curb appeal. Placing pedestrian scale stylish lights around entrance areas and pedestrian walkways is a great way to accomplish this while leveraging more economy lighting in the bulk of the back lot areas. Valmont's new global headquarters took this approach and added texture and warmth to their modern building with their European style Tehomet wood poles.
To see more architectural ideas for area lighting poles and LED lights, please refer to our gallery.
To provide a gateway to the entrance of the new Valmont World Headquarters, the steel traffic structures at the entrance road were styled to compliment the Tehomet Wood Light Poles. You can see these matching structures in our gallery for Decorative Traffic & ITS Structures.
PNW Lighting & Traffic can help you achieve your style while meeting all the specific project requirements. Let our team help you craft your build to order solution.